Who Are We?
Phoenix Residential Society is a charitable non-profit community based health care organization providing psychosocial (psychiatric) rehabilitation services to persons in Regina with psychiatric disorders, concurrent disorders (psychiatric & substance abuse) and persons who are chronically homeless, persons with acquired brain injury (ABI) and other cognitive disabilities.

When Did We Start?
Phoenix was incorporated in December 1977, and opened Phoenix House in 1979, the first psychiatric rehabilitation group home of its kind in Saskatchewan.

How Are We Governed?
Phoenix operates under the direction of a Board of Directors made up of a cross-section of community members. The Lieutenant-Governor of Saskatchewan is an Honourary Director.

How Are We Financed?
Phoenix receives funds from a variety of sources including the Saskatchewan Health Authority, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Services, Saskatchewan Government Insurance and funding through the Federal Reaching Home Program. A small percentage of revenue is provided through self-payers, and charitable donations. We provide income tax receipts for donations made directly to Phoenix, or donate through CanadaHelps.

What is Our Vision?
Strengthening Community by Supporting Recovery.

What is Our Mission?
To provide recovery oriented services that foster empowerment, promote hope, and build connectedness in the community.

What Are Our Principles and Values?
Phoenix Residential Society is guided by the following principles & values of Psychosocial (Psychiatric) Rehabilitation.

    • Strengths-based: we build on the strengths & capabilities of individuals.
    • Person-centered: we address the unique needs of individuals, consistent with their values, hopes & aspirations.
    • Empowerment: we promote self-determination & empowerment.
    • Quality of Life: we strive to help individuals improve the quality of all aspects of their lives; including social, occupational, educational, residential, intellectual, spiritual & financial.
    • Community Integration: we support full integration of people in recovery into their communities.
    • Personal Support Networks: we facilitate the development of personal support networks by utilizing natural supports within communities, peer support initiatives, & self- & mutual- help groups.
    • Culturally relevant: we recognize that culture is central to recovery & strive to ensure that all services are culturally relevant.
    • Health & Wellness: we promote & assist in developing & using individualized wellness & recovery plans.
    • Hope & Respect: we convey hope & respect, & believe that individuals have the capacity to grow & learn.
    • Evidence-based: we emphasize evidence-based, promising & best practices.

Board of Directors

The Honourable Russ Mirasty

The Honourable Russ Mirasty

Patron Director
The Honourable
Russ Mirasty
Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan

Dean Rae

Vice Chair
Courtenay Phillips

Doug Moen, Q.C.
Dave Hedlund
Russell Hart
Karen Lautsch
Derrick Thue
Moses Gordon
Gina Alexander
Thomas Le

Executive Director
Sheila Wignes-Paton